Chung-Yen, Chang is a product designer passionate about creating optimized user experiences along with design strategy. 

Chung-Yen graduated from Domus Academy in Milan in 2013 with honors. He then worked with the renowned Italian designer, Stefano Giovannoni. Afterward, he worked as a visiting academic tutor at the Domus Academy. 

In 2017, Chung-Yen, Chang founded the namesake studio dedicated to the perfection of form that serves practical design solutions. Merging the business objective with creative solutions that moves beyond just aesthetics, he believes that good design is not merely beautiful objects, but thoughtful user experiences in a larger product-system. 

Chung-Yen’s multidisciplinary practice offers a wide array of services, from product design, branding to art direction for a global clientele. His product designs have encompassed furniture, home accessories, consumer electronics and appliances, and automobile designs, from limited-edition productions to industrial-scale distribution.

於2013年,以優異的成績畢業於米蘭多莫斯學院(Domus Academy),拿到設計藝術碩士雙學位。
畢業後,受到專題教授推薦,進入國際著名設計大師史蒂芬諾.喬凡諾尼工作室(Stefano Giovannoni)擔任專案設計師。期間受米蘭多莫斯學院設計系主任伊曼紐爾·羅福邀約,回到母校兼任客座助理講師。


其設計服務跨足了多個領域,從產品設計,品牌策略到藝術指導等。 產品設計涵蓋了家飾家具、生活用品、家用電器、消費性電子到交通工具設計等,從限量單品到大規模量產產品。其作品也收獲多個國際知名設計獎項的認可